Wednesday, November 7, 2018


BBC is a well-known website that presents readers current news, providing them with objective and accurate information. Journalists post articles from a variety of topics and issues, such as politics, business, nature, cultures, and travel.

BBC is a website that is easy to navigate and so much fun to use! BBC provides a lot of interesting articles and up to date information.On the uppermost top of the website are the various headings, that divide the information in categories, such as news, weather, etc.

BBC can be used to enhance student learning. For example, in a middle school geography class,  students explore and learn about political events, various regions of different countries, and landscapes. On BBC, if students went to the section labeled "travel" and then clicked mountains, they would be able to learn more about the Rocky Mountains through visuals and short descriptions. BBC is also a great website for having students write essays comparing and contrasting current political events and past political events.

Visit BBC today!


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