Wednesday, March 28, 2018


VoiceThread is an interactive, pre-K through 12th-grade, media player. Teachers and students can upload videos pictures, presentations and documents. It may look like a slideshow, but teachers and students can add comments, ask questions and critique. They will learn skills that are very important in today's world, such as, critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and creativity. It has many different uses like recording students reading to check their progress. A really great feature is the ability to comment on a particular part of the VoiceThread, so that you are able to give specific feedback to each part of their work. They are a paid service and they can be obtained at a classroom, school, or district level with varying prices. The amount of features that are able to be used depends on what level is purchased. District licenses come with the most amount of features, while teacher licences come with the least. VoiceThread is an opportunity to assess student learning in a new way.

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