Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Enhancing Story Time with BookTrack

    Remember the days, back in preschool or kindergarten, where the teacher would make us sit in on that infamous rug, forming a small circle around her? No talking was allowed as she pulled out a book and read to us, creating characters and animations with her voice. I remember, for me anyway, it was hard to concentrate or stay focused on the story being told. I'd get distracted by various things in the room and by the time I finally focused back on the story, it was over.

   But, those days are long gone. Now, with this awesome website titled "BookTrack," story time can be something to look forward to! BookTrack is the creator of the e-reader technology that incorporates multimedia such as music, sound effects, and ambient sound. Now how cool is that!? No longer do students have to dread story time! Now they can get engaged in the story and essentially become apart of it too! Not only is this book available for schools but an avid reader can experience this too! Plug those headphones in and become a part of story as if you were actually there! Reading has never been cooler!

To learn more, click the link here: BookTrack

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