Monday, December 12, 2016

Beck and Bo App

As both a parent of a toddler, and an early childhood educator, I've found that it's difficult to find truly education apps for 2-3 year olds.  In my experience, most apps are geared more towards children ages 5 and older.

Beck and Bo is an interesting iPad app that appears to be both educational and fun for toddlers.  It's $2.99, but after watching the demo video, I'm sold.  I'll probably go home tonight and purchase it for my son's iPad.  It takes children on a colorful adventure, full of beautiful animations and interesting story-lines.  It claims to aid in building children's logic and vocabulary with interactive games and puzzles.

I plan to buy Beck and Bo and use my son as the guinea pig to test its effectiveness.  If it truly is as beneficial as it claims to be, I'll recommend it to parents of the preschoolers that I teach.  Parents are always looking for supplemental resources to use at home, in addition to the classroom curriculum.  The more resource we're familiar with, the better equipped we are for teaching!

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