Sunday, December 4, 2016


Babbel is an online learning tool that can be used to learn a different language and can also be used for English language learners. There are a variety of languages available to learn such as German, English, French, Spanish, Turkish, Italian, Portuguese, Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, Indonesian, Dutch, Polish, and Russian. Once you choose the language, you have the option to pick either beginner or advanced. This website is free to use for the beginner's account and after registering you can begin your lessons. For full access the all of the courses you can choose from 1 month for $12.95, 3 months for $.8.95 per month, 6 months for $7.45 per month, or a year subscription for $.6.95 per month. This is a great website to use in schools for English language learners that struggle with keeping up because they cannot understand the directions for their homework. This interactive website also allows users to add and invite friends to share their learning experience together! I think this website is a good way to learn different languages and it is cheaper than its rivals such as Rosetta Stone, however it may just be better to stick with the free trial if the paid does not offer as much as its competition does.

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