Friday, April 1, 2016

Google Slides

Google Slides is one of the many tools that Google offers, along with Google Docs and Google Drive. I've only ever used Google Slides once when doing a lesson plan, I do like using it because its just like PowerPoint but I think I would rather stick to that. The one thing that I like about Google Slides is that you can share your slide show with anyone you want, you can do that with PowerPoint but it takes a few more steps than just hitting a button. Its just like Google Docs where you can share it with anyone and the people you share it with can edit and add to the slide show. I think this way of doing a slide show presentation would be easier for your class than a PowerPoint. You can have each student have a Google account and when they are grouped together they can use the Google Slides to make their presentation. The good thing about this is that each student can contribute to the project on their own laptops. they can even continue the work at home and be able to each see what is being added to the project. I think when I become a teacher this is what I would do because it would be easy not only on me but also on my students. They won't have to worry about if the other people in their group are doing the work, and they can also all be able to give their own input to the project. For me personal I said that I prefer to use PowerPoint but that's just because I'm so use to use it and know how it works.  

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