Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Digital media

There are many types of digital media students could use in class. These digital media improves students writing, reading, and communication skills. Podcast is a form of digital media and improves students speaking skills and creativity. Students are able to upload their audio recording on their blog post. Podcasting helps students engage and  hear and listen at the same time. The audio recording acts as a reading and students are able to experience how technology makes learning fun. Students are provided with reliable microphones and iPad. Podcast changes the way students view education. Students are becoming more engaged in the classroom because of the use of technology. Students are not focused when teachers are teaching the traditional way. Students could download podcast on their iPad or computer. Students would be able to add pictures, record their voices, and add sound effects. This could be used for any subject areas. For example, students could create their own story by using their imagination. Students could travel back in time for any history events by creating a story of what had happened.


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