Friday, April 1, 2016

Some of you may have never heard of the website, well I'm gonna tell you what it is. Well is a website that I was actually introduced to while I was doing my practicum. is a website for kids that offers many different games that kids can play. A majority of them are educational and can be used in the classroom. As in my practicum the teacher did use this website and a couple other ones to have her students practice their math skills or writing and reading skills but in a fun way. Before them would get on their computers she would go through one game or two with the class and show them how they play the games and then she would tell them what they can play, because some of the games on there are not educational at all. The kids all really seemed to like it and I do believe that it help them develop their skills better and they gain more confidence when the crowd cheers when they get an answer right or etc. I think that i would use this website or ones like it because it will get your kids into the lesson and actually enjoy learning. You have to keep their attention and their excitement for learning. I think this website is a great tool to use for your classroom and I think it will help you out when teaching lessons to your students.    

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