Monday, October 5, 2015

Online Classes Are Easier Than Being In The Classroom, Right?

I was recently talking with someone who started their school semester classes again for the Fall semester and we got to talking about what classes exactly that they were taking. They were proud to point out that a couple of the classes that they decided to take were online classes. They proceeded to tell me that they took them because it would make things easier that they can do the work from anywhere there's a computer and internet connection and that they could also do the work anytime they wanted to, day or night. Then, the next thing they decided to relay to me took me a bit by surprise, they told me that also took the classes online because it would be much easier than if they took it in a classroom based setting.

Sure enough, they were pretty disappointed when I told them that regardless if it's in the classroom it self or an online course, the workload and expectancies are not going to be any different. Just the format itself is going to be different. To prove my point to them, I showed them a website that backed up my claims as well.

I was able to speak upon the topic of online classes with them because I also had online classes in the past. I knew from firsthand experience that the classes are (usually) just the same as being physically present in the classroom, but in some ways it's a little more difficult. Some of the things that are different is that you really must be self driven and have the motivation to complete the assignments, collaborations, online meetings, etc. When you don't have anyone in person to push you to make sure the things get done, it's very easy to lapse into a "I'll do it later" mode, which is quickly found out not to get you very far. In my opinion, you also must be very organized and inclined for self learning. You'll be presented with the material for the class and you must organize your time accordingly to accomplish it.

I do believe online courses absolutely have their benefits as well. If you are self driven and you have the inclination to take it upon yourself to learn what's presented in the course, it can work out great in your favor. I also think that it's an amazing thing that with the online courses, they allow a student (and teacher) to hold class no matter where someone is located at. Someone could be out of state on vacation or any other matter and still be able to hold class on schedule.

Keeping all of that in mind, it's important to remember that while online classes can certainly make things easier, the classes themselves are not always easier. Technology has allowed education to be accessed by many more people than without it and that doesn't change what's expected to be learned and taken away from the subject being studied.

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