Monday, October 26, 2015

Make Me Genius

        I found a site for grades K-7, that focuses on science. They have multiple videos and they separate them by grade or popularity. Videos from animal homes, plant parts and their functions, landform, and many many more topics to pick from. They have a section called "cool facts" this gives you a couple options to chose from depending on what you want to learn. Once you click on the facts you want to learn about it takes you to a page that lists all the neat facts about that one particular topic. The lists of facts is incredibly long, some are short little facts, some are a bit longer facts. They also have another section with even more videos, called "see and learn." This is mostly projects for grades 2-5, but I'm sure the older students can still enjoy the projects. 

        This website also has many power-points. Including parenting tips, one for preparing your child against bullying and another about attention span improvement. There are some jokes as well! Another neat thing is the science test questions. Which includes a video you may want to watch before taking the test. You could also have the student take the test before watching the video to see how well they do. If you didn't get all the answers correctly you could watch the video and retake the test and see how much you learned and improved. It test doesn't exactly let you see which questions you answered wrong, but it will let you know if you are ready to move on to the next level.

        I personally think that this website is neat. You can use this at home with your children. Throughout the day you can have them pick a video or a topic they want to learn about and you can both sit down and watch the video. You can even just sit down and read some facts if you would like. This is a good idea for a classroom project as well. The only disadvantage would be if YouTube was blocked at your school, because all the videos are actually uploaded onto YouTube. You could always take some type to download the video with a url you could actually open in class. The power-points would be another thing that you could use in class, and it wouldn't require internet access if you didn't have it. All you would have to do is save the powerpoint in a flash drive before the date scheduled for this activity. I do wish that they had printable projects for students to work on. This was if they did not have access to YouTube they could still learn about the topic as well as have a project on it. 

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