Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Should we be excited about a new e-book?

Good news! The Autobiography of Malcolm X will be available for e-readers in May! Look here! You won’t have to leave your cave to purchase this book!

If you absolutely can’t wait until May to read The Autobiography of Malcolm X then I highly suggest you pick up a hardcopy of the book at your nearest Barnes and Noble. Brave the cold. I double dog dare you! No one in EDT 211 will shame you for picking up a book. I personally think that printed books are more enjoyable to read.
We should be excited that another classic has been made into an e-book, right? Like the article stated, we can now share this book with the masses!

Are people going to be biting at the bit to get this book on their Kindle? I’m guessing not. It is my understanding that this book isn't hopping off of shelves every single day. I think this book is sought out by students who are required to read it or people who want to gain knowledge about a prominent figure in history. Although The Autobiography of Malcolm X is a phenomenal book, I don’t see what the big deal is about this e-book release.

The upside of this is that students and teachers won’t be confined to reading the paper edition of The Autobiography of Malcolm X. E-books are cheaper than printed books. This means that schools won’t have to pay a pretty penny for this classic. We’re saving money, YAY.

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