Thursday, February 19, 2015


For my mini-lesson I set up a class using Edmodo. I put a lot of effort into getting this finished but that wasn't such a great idea... While I love Edmodo and it's features, for this assignment it just wasn't the best idea because every student has to have an Edmodo account and the group code to join instead of something simple like having the link and being able to access it. I like the overall layout of Edmodo because of the timeline/Facebook feel of it. What I did was start off with an announcement that introduces the topic. The next post would be a review quiz, after that is the notes, followed by the guided and independent practice. This way students can easily follow along. I also like how easy it was to create quizzes, upload assignments, and send out announcements. The only problem I'm having with it is how to quickly get everyone onto the class website. However, I'm trying not to worry about that too much because in a real class setting the students would have already had these accounts and be connected to the class site by the first day of class.

Another dilemma of this is I should've used it for the School in the Cloud assignment and not the mini teaching lesson....

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