Thursday, February 5, 2015

Free college: as good a deal as it seems?

Hello Everyone. I have found an article that talks about the possibility of President Obama allowing students to go to a community college for free without paying for tuition. In this article, which you can read here, there is some discussion about what it means to have free tuition and what this could mean for community colleges.

One of the points made is that, assuming this bill passes Congress, this may get students in the door, but it will not be able to make them stay and get a degree at that college, or have them transfer to a four-year institution. I must say that I can agree with this. I think colleges need to focus on the ability of classes to transfer to another four year institution. I encountered this problem as I was trying to transfer to Dearborn. I had to look at the classes I could take, what I couldn't take, and what might be able to transfer to the university at that time. The forms were a mess and trying to sort through all the classes only to find that one or two of them would not transfer was maddening.

I think there might also be another consequence to this free tuition bill. Assuming this bill passes, with community colleges now having free tuition, there would be an increase in the number of students who would originally go to a four year university and now go to a community college instead. With the increased demand at community colleges, regular universities would have to increase their tuition in order to compensate for the lack of freshmen enrollment. With that said, is it really worth it in the long run?

What do you guys think?

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