Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Watch Ban In Classrooms? Thanks, Apple.

Cheating on exams used to involve sitting next to the smartest person in the class and hoping they studied enough the night before. Oh how times have changed. Now, colleges and universities are facing the biggest challenge to the integrity of the students, The Apple Watch. Yes, you heard that right. The smartest kid in the class is sooo last month.

It is more than just a smartwatch. With the tap of the screen, the Apple Watch can do everything from access your notes, search for answers on the web, and even message your friends! Soon, checking the time could be a fake- out attempt to read a message containing answers to test questions, which is reason enough for school to ban students from wearing watches in exam halls all together.

As nearly all smartwatches available today are linked in someway to users' smartphones, they are essentially internet- connected communication tools. This fear grew even more just before the release of Apple's new product. The University of London was among the first of many colleges to enforce the ban, leaving old school watches at the door. Absolutely no wrist watch is allowed in the exam room. London's City University, for instance, considers all watches to be mobile phones. In an interview with Buzfeed News, the university said students "are already asked to place mobile phones in a plastic wallet under their desk, so we adopted the same procedure for watches. Students either don't wear them to an exam venue, or they remove the watch in the venue and place it in the plastic wallet". The time is still available to students, the university explains the use of small desk clocks being available upon a student's request.
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Whether a similar approach will be taken in the U.S. is unclear, but chances are universities will reassess their cheating policies with these technological advances in mind.

If you are reading this and you are one of those students who really do need to keep track of time during exams, all is well.

Never forget the long lost clock on the wall in the back of the class. It's been a while since anyone's noticed that little guy.

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