Monday, March 16, 2015

Should Schools Ban Junk Food?

We hear students say “Junk food tastes good”, “Junk food has sugar and this helps us get energy”, “Junk food helps me stay awake”, and “We should have the right to choose what to eat”.

Parents send lunch money with their children thinking their children are eating lunch.

I believe schools should provide only well balanced meals and healthy choices. The lunch menu should include proteins, vegetables, fruits, carbohydrates, and grain. Obesity in children is increasing in the Unites States. Our children are less active and spend more time playing electronic games. I have heard students saying that the do not like the taste of water. Water is an essential element for their growing bodies.

On Scholastic, Richard Codey, Acting Governor of New Jersey, mentions that sixty million adults are obese in America. He states that children spend most of their time in school, and it is where the foundation of healthy habits are laid. He announced that New Jersey is the first state to adopt a comprehensive school nutrition policy that bans candy, soda, and other junk food.

 I agree that some people believe potato chips and pizza are junk food while others do not. I also agree that we want to teach our children how to make good choices on their own. But I also agree that their health is a concern and should be every mother’s priority. Unfortunately, I have seen toddlers drink soda. I saw a third grade student have a bag of chips, a twix bar, and juice for lunch.

This is why I believe the school, the teacher, the parent, and the student should work together to help our students stay healthy and be active.

So the question is “Should Schools Ban Junk Food?”

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