Tuesday, February 4, 2020


       ClassDojo is a communication platform used in classrooms by teachers as a way of staying connected to parent's and keeping them informed about their child's classroom progress. As a communication tool alone, ClassDojo is amazing. It is set up much like a social media platform. As a parent, you sign up and join the specific classroom your child belongs to. When you open the app, you have the option to select "stories", "kids", or "messages". The "Stories" section of the app looks much like a news feed on Facebook. This is where a teacher can share about the work the students are doing in class, share pictures from in school activities or field trips, post reminders about important upcoming events, give birthday shout outs or basically communicate any information necessary to the student's parents. You have the option to "love" or comment on any of the posts and reply to others on the post as well. 
       If you choose the "Messages" tab, this will take you to a private messenger where you can send the teacher a message that only he/she will see. This is helpful as a parent if you have a concern or question, as it is a quick and easy tool to get a fast response from the teacher. As a teacher if you need to speak to a parent it is a great alternative to a phone call, especially if it isn't very important. You can also create group messages in this section as well. Group messages can be very helpful when it comes to planning and organizing. My daughter's teacher uses the group chat feature when discussing upcoming class parties and who will bring what. This way all of the parents can communicate and decide what is needed and who will provide what. 
       Aside from just sending and receiving messages, ClassDojo tracks behavior as well. When you click on the "Kids" tab, your child or children's names will pop up. You click on the child's name and you immediately will see all the points he/she has earned (or lost) in class. There are points given for being patient, following directions, being a good listener etc. As the teacher observes good or bad behavior he/she can either give or take away points. ClassDojo will generate a report of the student's behavior which is available for the day, the week, the month and for the entire school year. This is a great way for teachers to keep track of their students behavior and areas where they might struggle. It is also great for parents who want to keep track of their child's behavior in school. It also gives parents the option to award points at home too. They can earn points at home for brushing their teeth, cleaning their room etc. This tool can be used towards allowances or rewards and it can coincide with their classroom points as well. 
       What I love about ClassDojo is that all points earned, posts added to the story and messages sent are happening in real time. Throughout the day parents will get notified when their child earns or loses a point or when a new story was posted. This allows parents to be up to date and in the loop with classroom news as it is happening. As of now I have more experience as a parent with ClassDojo than I do as a teacher but I think it will be a fantastic tool to utilize once I am a teacher. It organizes all of your communication and keeps a record of what you have sent out. It supports healthy communication between parents and teachers and aids in building a strong classroom community. 

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