Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Alzehimer’s, A.I. and The Potential of A.I. for Students

My grandmother used to remind me, “You cannot prevent waves from rolling but you can learn to sail those waves.” I found this inquiry extremely relevant when she was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease in 2017. This condition affects memory typically with the elderly that immobilizes them causing symptoms including trouble focusing or communicating, difficulty with everyday life and trouble with mobility.
Unfortunately, due to the degrading mental state of those afflicted with Alzhemer’s, those affected tend to revert back to the state more or less of that of a child. Someone who needs to be dependant on someone or something, varying on the stage of the disease.
I was lucky enough to stumble upon all the cool tricks my Alexa could do and I was amazed by how organized I was able to become with having artificial intelligence in my life. By integrating artificial intelligence into my grandmother’s life, who has Alzheimer’s, my grandmother was reminded when to take her pills, was able to ask the time (as many times as she needed to ask), was able to set a scheduled routine, as well as call people from the artificial intelligence. This benefited her life immensely in the beginning and middle stages of her Alzheimer’s because she was given the ability to live independently (with a little help from Alexa). We even programmed it to let us know when she left the house with other technology connected to the door.
I believe the same principals that I integrated into my grandmother’s life can be integrated in the classroom. The vast potential that artificial intelligence has can reach limitless possibility in the classroom. For example, providing a calming chime set to go off at a specific time such as snack time or end of snack time may benefit in providing a steady routine and a calmer environment by having smoother transitions.
Using artificial intelligence can provide the human approach for students outside of the classroom as well. A lot of students as well as parents that struggle with homework would be able to access various lessons needed to apply themselves to the work that needed to be done. It could also help parents stay on track with their child’s educational journey. This can be done through multiple Amazon apps specifically targeted and constructed around teachers and their student’s needs.
In all, the concept of modern artificial intelligence may seem so boundless that it may feel a little unattainable. We are living in a time surrounded by technology where our youth will be raised submersed in that technological world that we are still becoming accustomed to. These advances have benefitted those who need assistance no matter what the age. With that said, the capabilities to target different learning types, creating an organized environment and assisting the teachers in creating a fun and engaging classroom are just a few of the amazing ways this type of technology has the potential to do.
If you are interested in using A.I. in the classroom or are interested in more of what that entails, here are some links to get you started:

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