Tuesday, April 9, 2019

PhET Simulations

The University of Colorado - Boulder has a website completely populated with science simulations called PhET, and they are amazing. Simulation content ranges from physics and biology, to chemistry and math, and the simulations are not only incredibly accurate, but they are fun as well. For example, the simulation titled John Travoltage teaches students about the buildup of static electricity with a visualization of the transfer of electrons between objects, as well as how different charges interact with each other. Teaching science can be difficult especially when it comes to younger students, as visualizing an abstract phenomenon can be difficult for some students, but through playing around with a visual simulation of that phenomenon, the information can be presented to students in an engaging format. I would highly, highly recommend the inclusion of various PhET activities in any science classroom, but specifically at the middle school and early high school levels.

Image result for PhET

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